Breast Reduction
Embrace Youthful Radiance with OTA & Jinemed:
Your Trusted Breast Reduction Specialist
Free Consultation
What is a Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reduce the size and reshape the breasts. This procedure involves removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more proportionate and comfortable breast size. Breast reduction is often sought by women who experience physical discomfort, such as back, neck, and shoulder pain, due to excessively large breasts.

Benefits of Breast Reduction
Through the implementation of the latest techniques in plastic surgery at OTA&Jinemed Hospital, you can now present the most refined and distinguished version of yourself
Why Choose OTA & Jinemed for Breast Reduction?
OTA&Jinemed Hospital in Istanbul has been providing high-quality surgical care since 1993. Our experienced medical team utilizes the latest procedures. We offer comprehensive services, including accommodation and transfers, ensuring a hassle-free patient experience.

Greetings from OTA & Jinemed's Breast Reduction Patients! Before & After Photo
Please contact us so that we can send you Before and After operation images.

1. Free Online Consultation

2. Preparation & Arrival

3. Operation

4. Results
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OTA & Jinemed Breast Reduction Packages
Combine two surgical procedures and receive a 20% discount for the second surgery.


The hospital was very good and the hospital staff was very hospital and the environment was friendly and the hospital was very clean...
Humera Ghaffar
Google Reviews
Deep plane face and neck Hi ..well my journey began about 8 weeks ago when i first made contact with dr sina kaderi s co ordinater ...her name is buke and i cannot recommend enough as she is fantastic...
Kevin Weyham
Google Reviews
Amazing service!! Very patient and friendly, they talked to me throughout and reassured me whenever needed! I traveled from the UK to get the procedure done, and can definitely say it was completely worth it! I will surely recommend!
Shrinkhla Gaur
Google Reviews
I've travelled from Toronto to have my procedure done. thanks for the hospitality, definitely recommend.
Idan Moqaddasi
Google Reviews
İstanbuldakı əənnnn yaxşı və professional xəstəxana! Çox təşəkkürlər!!
Afag Mammadova
Google Reviews
Amazing team looked after me well especially the young girl called Büke. She assisted me very well and felt me like a family not like a guest. The hospital was comfortable the nurses looked after me well and were very polite
Samina Qayyum
Выражаю огромную благодарность врачам клиники Ota & Jinemed Hospital за то, что спасли родного мне человека ! Это самые настоящие ангелы в белых халатах, врачи от Бога.Рекомендую всем в сложных ситуациях,где нужна врачебная помощь-обращаться именно в эту клинику и вам обязательно помогут специалисты-профессионалы !
Карина Ланская
Хочу сказать спасибо специалистам данной больницы! Тут работают очень отзывчивые и порядочные люди, настоящие профессионалы своего дела. Хочу пожелать сотрудникам клиники всех благ и легких дежурств в наступающем Новом году!
Городские на селе
Очень понравилось в больнице. Добрый и отзывчивый персонал. Заботливые медсестры. Внимательные врачи. Большое спасибо вам, за вашу работу!
Александра Кашина
Хорошее обслуживание. Заботливые сотрудники, если не дай бог что случится...я буду обращаться сюда.
Roma Gaidar
Очень хорошая больница опытные специалисты отзывчивые медсетра и персанал больницы